( click on the image and see an explosive view!!! }
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Safe New Year! Spend lot's of money and get the economy going. Keep an eye on each other and treat each other out for dinner.
{ click on the foto above and you'll see a life size version...Yeah! }
Somehow the department purchased Class A uniforms for everyone and we all thought...what a waste...then we had this picture day and well...we all looked pretty good.
The SAFD was officially born on December 17th 1883 by the founding-fathers of Santa Ana...not the Mexican general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, who won the battle at the Alamo but lost over half of Mexico to the "gringos".
I was there for the 100th anniversary but this one is sweeter...plus tomorrow is payday...
Keep Caroline Kennedy in your prayer's..... Senator Caroline Kennedy!!!.....Yeah
{ click on the foto and see a life-size version, not my actual grandson! }
You'll never believe it, one of the biggest surprise's of the year.
I wasn't expecting this for a couple of years and then some! Nicole is putting aside her career, her partying times, her weekends at Glamis and the river and has decided to become a MOM!!!
And to top it off, another August baby...
I sure am glad she has been practicing with the camera...I hope Dexter isn't jealous...
{ click on the foto and it will become life-sized... }
What great news! Barack has been named Time magazine's Person of the Year...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
{ click on the image above and you will see a life-sized version of the globe }
I finally mailed out my Mom's xmas card...it's great if I say so myself...My Mom loves just about everyone, she really loves her sister, my Tia Margarita...my Tia Amparo...my Uncle Johnny and of course my Tia Rosita...
I decided to make a small globe to put on her xmas card, her eternal xmas tree. My Tia Amparo was not there on this day, I didn't forget her. This is just a small preview of my Mom's card I hope you all enjoy...and like the card says...Love one Another...
{ click on the photo above and you'll see a life-sized version! Enjoy!!!} Damn it was cold!!! I'd forgotten West Covina is right next to the Sierra's...The foto of my Mom and Johnny shooting Patron is just for them to wake up their appetite???
What a day of fun using niki's camera and enjoying the natural environment of Yorba Linda Park...The family picnic park...The best part was trying to get Dexter to stop barking at all the other dogs and to get Joe to smile at the camera...One happy family...
{click on the foto and see a life-size version} Finally had to take the leap into blogging....I got tired of trying to give advise and not knowing all the bells and whistle of the system....That's me in the foto above, celebrating "Dia de Los Muerto's".......Viva Obama!!!