Aubrey...Cracking a small smile...
Aubrey and GranMa Tere...eating crackers...
Joe, Aubrey and GranMa Tere...
Aubrey looking for the puppies...
Niki and Aubrey in the pool...
Aubrey talking her head off...She's a bit Cuban, you know...
We spent the afternoon at Jesse and Lupe's home in West Covina. Aubrey was just happy being a baby, everyone wants to hold her and cuddle her. We had tacos grilled by Jesse, fideo & arroz con leche made by my Mom and so much more.
We spent the afternoon dreaming about going to Hawaii for 2 weeks, a cruise to Alaska for the icebergs and dinner right after these tacos settle down....and of course a smal bike ride on the new Beach cruisers...